LeaderX Product Update: August 2022

Our product update in August includes; An upgrade confirmation email and bug fixes for all devices (IOS/Android).

What is new

For your in-app visual pleasure, Version 1.0.0 has received several modest code improvements hidden from customers, making your LeaderX app feel more appealing.

Background Images

We also added more background images while you go through the daily streak

Auto transitioning

The auto transition of Quote to nugget, Nugget to Lesson, Lesson to reflection, Reflection to affirmation

Mood sounds

There are now more mood sounds for premium users, for reflections, and meditations or if you need to clear out some steam, play these sounds on the go.

Payments based on User Location

Need to upgrade to a premium user, pricing and currency are now based on your location, no more exchange rate or currency blockers. Upgrade conveniently and with ease via google/apple pay or debit card.

Book Summary

We have added a category for summaries of books aimed to improve personal development. Can be read in minutes!

Like and add a book to your unique app shelf, with this, you can revisit and keep track of books you are currently reading. 


  • Sign-up/sign bugs have been fixed
  • Version 1.0.0. loading time when the app starts has been reduced
  • Reduce speech rate in reflection
  • Refer button is now active on the profile page.

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