LeaderX Product Update: September 2022

Our product update in September revolved around the explore section narrowing down to the book summaries on your LeaderX app, we included features to make reading more delectable and other unique improved features.

What’s new

AI Read

Now you can listen to the book overview/summary, and listen to chapters while the vice over AI reads to you.

Book purchase link

We have added the purchase links to all book summaries, now you can own a copy of your favorite book.

Track reading  

Got cut off while reading, we have added a tracker that tracks where the reading was left off, you get to come back to the exact chapter you left off from.

Top Picks category for books

You can now know the most-read books on the LeaderX app. With this, you can easily choose which book to start off reading.

The most-read books now appear under the category “Top picks”.

Did you know

The Did you know section gives you access to interesting facts about people, places, and things.

You can shuffle through these facts. By clicking on the cards, you get to see other interesting facts.


  • The issue with the computation of subscription days after payment with a debit card has been resolved. 

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