Saint Paul Public Schools, District 625|360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102|651-767-8100, |NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE|ADA COMPLIANCE. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. International School of Amsterdam. Not all teachers are hired for permanent teaching positions hence employment on a contractual basis happens. Find Us . demonstrates resilience to overcome failure, obstacles, and uncertainty. In doing so, it explains the purpose of creating a project charter and overviews the practice of project cost management; it . Reimagining Grading in K-12 Schools: A Conversation on the Value of Standards-Based Grading. 990. The union did a red-pen mark-up of one of the districts communications to teachers, accusing it of imposing work terms on teachers rather than negotiating them. Create a basic rental agreement between a tenant and landlord. UPSEU, Custodians, Maintenance, Food Service, 2019-2023. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Click "Download Contract" to view the contract in PDF format. In this lesson, a contract example is provided, as well as a generic template that you can customize to fit your school's specific needs and state laws. Prior to the pandemic, some districts contracts explicitly gave districts the ability to override contract provisions in the case of pandemics or other emergencies, noted Brad Marianno, an assistant professor of educational policy and leadership at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The Contracts section allows users to search collective bargaining agreements between public employers and public employees, including teachers' unions, school superindents, police departments, fire departments, and public authorities. Educational Support Professionals Contract 2021-2024. Education Association of Clinton (Teachers) 2022-2025. examines information from various viewpoints. Tickets are available at Photographs and illustrations, as well as text, cannot be used without permission from the AFT. The health and safety of our students, families, and staff will always be the highest priority. ENFIELD The Enfield Teachers Association and the Board of Education have agreed to the terms of a three-year contract that takes effect in July 2020 and includes at least a 1 percent . During the 2021-2022 school year, the school community and the community of Westbrook collaborated to share their perspectives and values about educational priorities for all students in Westbrook Public Schools. It is not written by and does not necessarily reflect the views of Education Week's editorial staff. Search thousands of jobs, from paraprofessionals to counselors and more. VOLUME 2. Director of TechnologyAdministrator. Over a thousand district-level jobs: superintendents, directors, more. Socially Aware:A Westbrook graduate who is socially aware recognizes and understands the feelings of diverse individuals and groups with the ability to show compassion when considering norms for behaviors in a variety of settings. Elementary School in Yakima, Wash., scrolls through a math book as she plans lessons for her students while school buildings are closed due to the coronavirus. located in Albany, New York. Phone: 650.736.0942 Proposals must be submitted to: Christine Kuehlewind Chairperson, Superintendent Search Firm Subcommittee Westbrook Board of Education 158 McVeagh Road Westbrook, CT 06498 Proposals should be emailed to: This page showcases a set of competent and well-written contract templates Employment Contract templates for teachers in particular. Thu., May 11, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. What Does That Mean for Schools and Kids? Kristina Martineau. Indeed, as districts began to deal with the bargaining implications of the pandemic several weeks ago, some states have explicitly told them to focus on the complexities of remote learning rather than putting every provision in their labor contracts up for debate. This page showcases a set of competent and well-written contract templates Employment Contract templates for teachers in particular. ET. Create a free account to save your favorite articles, follow important topics, sign up for email newsletters, and more. Districts across the country are trying to provide professional development on the fly to help teachers better prepare remote learning lessons. Nevertheless, teaching remains among the most heavily unionized of all professions. (Teachers receive automatic increases in their wages, known as steps, until they reach a specific year of service, called top step. These steps are in addition to the negotiated COLA. After-School Learning Top Priority: Academics or Fun? Term contract (which does not exceed five school years), Continuing contract (which has an indefinite duration). And she was insistent that the MOU allow for flexibility for teachers with children of their own. Complete policy statement, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources & General Administration, Title IX Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services, Indoor Air Quality/Tools For Schools (IAQ/TFS), Committee Meeting Agenda Archive 2017-2022, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Committee, Committee Meeting Minutes Archive 2017-2022, School Start Times Committee Minutes Archive, Teaching & Learning Committee Minutes Archive, Process for Adopting or Modifying Course/Grade Level Texts, Health, Wellness & Positive Youth Development Advisory Committee. This is the disclaimer text. Thats no small issue because many teachers are just at the early stages of transitioning from planning, review, and enrichment activities to covering new content. All rights reserved. Chapter 15 Drinking from the Fountain of Knowledge: Student Incentive to Study and Learn - Externalities, Information Problems . Fax: 650.723.1687. . Until recently just a fraction of districts in a database of learning plans maintained by the Center on Reinventing Public Education, in Seattle, specified the curriculum or materials teachers should be using, Stone noted. Westbrook School Department 117 Stroudwater Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Telephone: (207) 854-0800 FAX: (207) 854-0809 Although some students are attending classes in the school building, others are still learning virtually. Eric A. Hanushek. Benjamin Russell. Please click on the link to read the Friday Parent Update March 31st. Significant decrease in co-pays for more convenient care options like minute clinic and urgent care, Changes to parental leave policy that treats parents of all genders equally, Hour, wage, and protection increases for educational support professionals, Longevity payment increase of 10% for faculty with more than ten years in Newton, Injury protection benefits for the rare occasion that educators sustain serious injury while on the job. Please click on the link to read the Friday Parent Update April 21st. Free Pre-school Teacher Contract Template. If a teacher breaches the contract, he/she has to pay monetary damages to the school district for finding a replacement. Critical Problem Solver It is hard to set the rules for how you should be doing things, if you dont know what youre supposed to do yet. Its sort of a blaming conversation if all we talk about is the hours, and not the impact we want teaching and learning to have on students.. A Westbrook graduate who is socially aware recognizes and understands the feelings of diverse individuals and groups with the ability to show compassion when considering norms for behaviors in a variety of settings. Our agreement reflects how much we value every educator in Newton and their contribution to making Newton Public Schools such a wonderful place for all our children. If ratified, the School Committee will also vote at our regularly scheduled meeting later that evening. I cant imagine any district or union wanting to renegotiate a whole contract under these circumstances. On Monday, December 16, the union is meeting to vote on the contract. Our goal with this contract is to continue to attract, inspire and retain terrific educators. Already, there are signs that those topics could be contentious. (Teachers), 2022-2025. E-Sign Real Estate Use Template Consulting Agreement Create a signable consulting agreement. However, there are basic steps on how to structure its content and format in general. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 0. The term of this agreement is August 15, 2002 until June 15, 2003. Unit A - Teachers Contract - 1-year extension for 2021-2022. Robert Speakman and Finis Welch. How to Submit Distance Learning Packets Online, Bridgeport Public Schools: Favorites Links, The Foundation For Excellence In Bridgeport Public Schools, School Volunteer Association of Bridgeport (SVAB), Office of Grants Development and Management, Speech, Language, Hearing, and OT Services, Class of 2018 Harding High School Graduation, National Bullying Prevention Month: Bullying Stops Here, Title IX Non-Disclosure Agreement - Investigation Advisor, Title IX Non-Disclosure Agreement - Completion by a Party, Salary Advancement Notification (Online Form), Teacher Transfer Request Form *Deadline is June 1st of the current school year, If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may. All Rights Reserved 2014 - 2023 Westbrook High School's Career Pathways program was recently featured in an article in the Shoreline Times. And as it has done with so many other aspects of K-12 education, the coronavirus has forced districts to wrestle with a never-before-imagined question: If you can no longer realistically orient teachers duties and expectations in terms of a seven-and-a half hour dayor six periods and one prephow do you do it? A Westbrook graduate who is a responsible decision-maker demonstrates awareness of self and others as one considers responsible choices and consequences while making decisions to benefit self and community. considers and respects others perspectives, reacts appropriately in a variety of settings. . By Stephen Sawchuk April 28, 2020 10 min read. A Westbrook graduate who is an effective communicator conveys a clear message while being respectful, receptive, and responsive to the input of others. In this case, the school district may terminate a teachers employment without a hearing. Windsor Public Schools 601 Matianuck Avenue Windsor, CT 06095 860.687.2000 860.687.2009. The health and safety of our students, families, and staff will always be the highest priority. And since most of the MOUs punt on salary and layoffs, they will need to open up that topic later this year as districts begin to finalize what are expected to be austere budgets for the 2020-21 school yearand even midyear cuts as state education funding plummets. Easy to share. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. All rights reserved. If an individual has a fever or is experiencing more significant symptoms, they will be required to stay home until they are fever free, symptoms improve,and they have tested negative for COVID 19 after a 5 day quarantine period (inmost cases). Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture Science and Technology Education Center, Information Technology & Software Engineering, Aerospace/Hydrospace Engineering & Physical Science, Biotechnology Research and Zoological Sciences, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). This paper examines how project managers can successfully manage a project's finances. Nurse Kathe Olmstead prepares a shot that is part of a possible COVID-19 vaccine being developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc., in Binghamton, N.Y., in July 2020. Schools . It is with great excitement to share our final work and to communicate our appreciation to all who assisted in the development of this important vision for our students. 001 ( 4 ) (b), the board is able . "I just think he brings so much to . If a school board intends to renew a contract for the 2022 - 2023 school year, a school board must still consider the requirements under Wis. Stat. 22. In Orange County, Fla., district and union leaders struggled over issues like taking attendance, whether teachers would have to use their own phones to contact students and families, and especially the number of meetings and PD sessions teachers would have to participate in each week. Your partner in education in service to the students and families of Westbrook, 158 McVeagh Road Special Education Extended School Year (ESY) Programs July 5 - July 27, 2023 Para-Professionals & Registered Behavior Technician Approx. Tough as nails folks were saying to me, Im on the verge of tears here, because I have to choose between nap time and snuggles with my kids, and being with my class, whom I love also, she said. Creative Thinker:A Westbrook graduate who is a creative thinker explores existing ideas, products, or designs to innovate and create in imaginative or novel ways. Superintendent 2021-22 Communications to Families. 434 Galvez Mall, Room 151Stanford University I dont think its realistic.. 258 lessons. As we begin the new school year, we open our doors to students, staff, and families in a more normal return to school than we have seen in the last few years- planning to fully welcome our families in person into our schools for events, orientation, conferences, and activities. HR Home; Teach PVD ; Employee Absences & Substitutes; . Theres not a lot of trust.. Only a few districts have really thought about that, said Evan Stone, the co-chief executive officer at Educators for Excellence, a teacher-led advocacy organization that has been scrutinizing the new arrangements. CBAs & Contracts. Given that we are well into the 2019/2020 school year, the tentative agreement reflects a one-year retroactive contract for the current year, followed by a three-year contract from September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023. The contract will allow you to have a professional agreement between the two parties and focus on your job. Following are the main components that are included in a teacher contract: A teacher contract tends to become void if the teacher fails to complete the requirements of thecertification template or if the requirements of the contract were not fulfilled. We look forward to a continued open and collaborative partnership to provide the best learning experiences and opportunities for all students. Bridgeport , CT 06604. Students, staff, and school community members who are not feeling well, will be encouraged to stay home until they are feeling better. Some of the MOUs set new guidelines around touchy policies, toolike how teachers should approach grading, or altering the teacher-evaluation process. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Please join me in congratulating the WHS Careers Pathways Team, the entire staff at Westbrook High School, Westbrook community leaders and our local business/industry partners who have greatly contributed to the design, development, implementation, and impact of this criticalprogram for our students. There should be a common agreement between the parties. Massachusetts Department Of Elementary And Secondary Education - Educator Contracts Statewide Report Educator Contracts Please note: The content and accessibility of these contracts are the responsibility of the individual districts. . The United Federation of Teachers, which represents teachers in the nations largest district, New York City, has signaled it wont agree to begin the next school year early, The New York Times has reported. The ASU/GSV Education Showcasehas been recognized by Forbes as "the Davos [World Economic Forum] of education.". District Priority 2. And then there are big questions about whether districts are setting new rules and procedures before theyre clear an on overall instructional vision for the next few months. So, if you are looking for a contract template, teacher contract templates available online will help you in creating one. WE ARE HIRING . The two parties eventually reached an accord on April 21, which among other things limits weekly PD and staff meetings to just 50 minutes. Westport . The Orange County, Fla., district and its teachers union initially didnt see eye to eye on working conditions for remote learningprompting the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association to creatively mark up one of the districts memos. Stephen Sawchuk is an assistant managing editor for Education Week, leading coverage of teaching, learning, and curriculum. What have emerged are more flexible arrangements for teachers. Westbrook High School. Easy to customize and share. Osdorpse Montessorischool. Terms of Employment 2021-2023. No employer has the power to force an employee to sign an agreement. Copyright var today = new Date(); var year = today.getFullYear(); document.write(year); Saint Paul Public Schools. By operation of Wis. Stat. Performance Report 2022. Some of the agreements go beyond use of time to specify the types of interactions teachers are expected to have with their students, whether in a live or asynchronous format; others ask principals to take a key role in organizing learning. Find Us . I do have to say that [the teachers] have been terrific in the sense that, theres been a little give and take and back and forth, but for the most part weve put together a plan that builds in live time, face-to-face time with the kids, but obviously has a lot of asynchronous learning opportunities, too, said Joseph Maruszczak, the superintendent of the Mendon-Upton Regional school district in Massachusetts. Size: 1.04 MB. In the coming months, we will be reaching out again to solicit input and ideas about a district image to complement our new Westbrook Portrait of a Graduate and to share our progress in integrating these priorities in the day to day learning environment. Fran Lagace. As announced last week, the School Committee negotiating team, in collaboration with the Mayors Office, reached a tentative agreement with the Newton Teachers Association. The Westbrook Portrait of a Graduate includes five priority attributes that describe the Westbrook High School graduate: critical problem-solver, creative thinker, effective communicator, perseverant, socially aware, and responsible decision maker. There could be no exact way of writing an employment agreement contract for teachers as terms and conditions may always vary. 118. I think a lot of people arent there yet and arent necessarily actively thinking about it, he continued, but I dont see how you can whistle past the graveyard, so to speak, and say everythings going to be fine and everyones going to have a two and a half percent [cost-of-living] increase next year. Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Create your account, It is hereby agreed between the School Board of Any School and, Last Name: Smith First Name: Jane MI: A. SS#: 111-11-1111Address: 111 Any Street, Any City, Any State, 11111. that Any School offers the above named person the position of classroom teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. Annie Trotta. These initial forays have, however, been followed by a torrent of recent work. Some of the MOUs, like those signed in Brevard and Charlotte counties in Florida, are a lean page or two. Maintenance Contract 2022-2025. Do they leave appropriate flexibility for principals to make school-level decisions, or allow teachers to adapt to new learning guidelines? Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The agreement includes a $3,000 bonus for teachers at the time of the contract ratification. We thank you, our families, and the community of Westbrook for contributing to the development of this important portrait and district vision. Please access this document to see how Munis displays our pay information (edited). Schedules have not yet been released for our hometown, so I am still the parent refreshing the PowerSchool app over and over again in the hope of catching a glimpse of what their school year will look like day to day. Ignatiusgymnasium. The Westbrook Portrait of a Graduate includes five priority attributes that describe the Westbrook High School graduate: critical problem-solver, creative thinker, effective communicator, perseverant, socially aware, and responsible decision maker. Generally, the employer sets the terms of the agreement in the contract. Stone of E4E feels that those conversations miss the larger point: Are districts clear on what they want teachers to accomplish? Search over ten thousand teaching jobs nationwide elementary, middle, high school and more. Our mission is to make New York a better The average mid-scale salary for a teacher with a bachelor's degree is $56,756. Thank you for your time and participation in this important work for our students and for our community. investigates multiple solutions and perspectives, communicates the process and supporting evidence. Some will need to hammer out plans to help students catch up. Teacher Contract 7/1/2022-6/30/2025. As the start of the 2022-2023 school year nears, my family is also preparing for the transition from summer days to action packed school days, after school activities, and sports. We are committed to providing learning experiences in a supportive, nurturing, and inspiring school environment that supports not only student growth as individuals and as members of a community, but encourages our students to aspire to excellence in all that they do. But those efforts are beginning: Marianno and a graduate student have begun to collect them from large, urban school districts. The Newton School CommitteeMayor Ruthanne Fuller. The Phoenix school allows young students to lead plans for beautification or enrichment. So when you have a huge disruption in what the expectations are, you have to adjust them.. 1-11 The term "Beacon School" will be used to describe a school where the teachers and principals have worked together to create a clear coherent instructional plan for their school approved by the Board of Education. When individuals experience mild respiratory symptoms that are similar to COVID 19 symptoms (cough, congestion, sore throat, etc. We are proud of the inclusive nature of our community discourse and confident that this vision represents well the educational values and beliefs of the Westbrook community for the youth of Westbrook. One week from today we begin the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Therefore, the terms should be mutual. Hoover Institution Column: Russell Westbrook, symbol of Lakers dysfunction, is reviving his NBA reputation. I also think these agreements should be seen as a bare minimum of what needs to happen, because many teachers are going way above and beyond them.. that ____________________ School offers the above named person the position of classroom teacher for the _____ school year. Use the form below to search operational and staff expenditures by the New York State Legislature. Teacher contracts are beginning to catch up with the realities of the coronavirus pandemic. Superintendent's Contract. Mon., May 01, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. collaborates with appropriate stakeholders, communicates clearly, concisely, and accurately, considers and acknowledges diverse viewpoints, displays proficiency across modes of communication. ET. But seemingly minor issues have taken on new significance in the age of the coronavirus. Chapter 13 Using Wages to Infer School Quality. CSEA, SEIU, Nurses 2023-2025. Be acquainted with how a teacher contract is written and what basic terms and conditions should party fulfill. The Contracts section allows users to search collective bargaining agreements between public employers and public employees, including teachers' unions, school superindents, police departments, fire departments, and public authorities. Read the full article at In Sacramento, Calif., ongoing tensions between district and union over prior pacts have made reaching a detailed accord to address remote teaching and learning much more difficult. 110 Myrtle Avenue. CSEA, SEIU, Administrative Professionals, 2019-2023 . A graduate who is a critical problem-solver: A graduate who is an effective communicator: Westbrook Portrait of A Graduate Community Survey #2, Westbrook Portrait of A Graduate Community Survey #1, Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents- Graduate Requirements and Portrait of a Graduate, Portrait of a Graduate- Gallery Examples from Other Schools, One week from today we begin the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Chapter 14 School Resources. Superintendent 2022-23 Communications to Families. District and School Report Cards. As a family, we enjoyed the beautiful New England summer days outdoors reconnecting with neighbors and family, but we are very much looking forward to the start of the new school year- new teachers, new courses, new and old friends, art studio time, college planning and tours, and, of course, the youth ice hockey season. Find hundreds of jobs for principals, assistant principals, and other school leadership roles. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. It is hereby agreed between the School Board of ____________________ School and, Last Name:____________________ First Name: ____________________ Middle Initial: ____________________ SS#: __________ Address: _________________________ _____. account for the latest updates from all your classes and groups. The database includes expenditure information reported by the state Assembly and the state Senate for each of the six-month periods since Oct. 1, 2007. With great excitement for the year ahead, we will welcome back more than 600 students PK-12 on Thursday, September 1st, including more than 20 newstudents and their families joining our Westbrook community and 31 new preschool students. Nearly half (47%) of districts have additional professional development days for teachers new to the district. How Hybrid Learning Is (and Is Not) Working During COVID-19: 6 Case Studies, How Districts Are Helping Teachers Get Better at Tech Under Coronavirus. Here are steps on how to write an agreement contract for teachers: For a common understanding of terms used in this article template, a service staff could refer to a teacher who is expected to render teaching services to whomever he or she may please. Memorandum of Agreement on Fully Remote Model (applies to Units A, B, C, E & G) Memorandum of Agreement on Activity & Sports Stipends. A Westbrook graduate who is a responsible decision maker demonstrates awareness of self and others as one considers responsible choices and consequences while making decisions to benefit self and community. ), Starting salary increases for new teachers and educational support staff (approximate increase of 4%), New stipends for middle school content leaders and cultural exploration coordinators and assistant coordinators, Slight increase of $5 in health insurance co-pay for primary care and specialist visits. The Empire Center is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. Size: 60 KB. Los Angeles teachers walked off the job for six days in 2019, but they were able to reach agreement April 8 on a contract framework. Some of the larger contracts have already invited scrutiny, with some critics arguing that three to four hours of instruction is far too littleeven as others point out that, according to data first reported by the news site Chalkbeat, nearly half of teachers have children living at home. Providence Public Schools; Current Contracts; Human Resources. UPSEU, Paraeducators, 2019-2023. Join our Theatre Department on March 9th and 10th at 7:00 pm for their production of How to Survive Being in a Shakespeare Play. Sustainability | Environmental Stewardship, Belwin Outdoor Science Photo Gallery Archives, Student Outcomes Focused Governance (SOFG), Saint Paul School East - Brittany's Place, Saint Paul School North - Gillette Childrens Hospital, Saint Paul School South - United Hospital's Adolescent In-patient / day treatment, Saint Paul School Downtown - Ramsey County Juvenile Detention Center, Diverse Representation in Children's Literature, Student Equity Development and Leadership, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), National African-American Parent Involvement Day, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), Care, Treatment and Correctional Programs, Family Engagement & Community Partnerships, Strategic Planning and Project Management, Talent Development & Acceleration Services, Talent Development & Acceleration Services | SPPS, Office Of Educational Technology (Hidden), ADVANCEMENT VIA INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION (AVID), POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS & SUPPORT (PBIS), TALENT DEVELOPMENT & ACCELERATION SERVICES (TDAS), Earn Employment Certification While in High School, Family Resources During COVID-19 Distance Learning, Early Care and Education (ECE) Partnerships, Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC), Custodial Operations - SURVEYS - DO NOT DELETE, Saint Paul Urban Teacher Residency (SUTR Program), Student Behavior Handbook: Rights and Responsibilities, English Learner Identification and Exit Procedures, English Learners with Special Education Needs, English Learner Services - Talking Points for Parents and Families, Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE), Gallery: SPPS National School Counseling Week, School Meals Fuel Student Minds and Bodies, Where To Go for Thanksgiving Meals, Events, Service Opportunities, Secondary Grading, Credit Recovery & Schedules, Gallery: First Week of In-Person Learning at SPPS, Refund, Transfer or Donation of Lunch Account Funds, Home DeliverHome Delivery Registration - English Registration - English, Afterschool Snack and Suppers: Child and Adult Care Food Program, Summer Session Student/Parent Information, Archived Video Testimonials: Technology in the Classroom, Logistics & Materials Management Homepage, Return to Office of Teaching and Learning, Before and After School Childcare and Activities, Saint Paul Urban Teacher Residency Homepage, Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Developement, SEAB's Vision for Student Voice and Partnership, Student Data Release to Military Recruiters, Student Data Release to Saint Paul Public Libraries, Student Engagement and Advancement Board (SEAB), Summer Learning Programs Times and Locations, Individualized Growth and Development Plan, ACHIEVEMENT OF TENURE - EDUCATOR SUPPORT PATHWAY, Well Rounded Education in Elementary Schools, Rethinking Classroom Celebrations in SPPS, Digital Citizenship for Educators and Students, AFSCME (Clerical and Technical Employees) (2022-24), CCEA (Classified Confidential Employees Association) (2022-2024), MMSA (Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Assoc) (2022-2023), Nutrition Services Personnel (2021-2023), PEA (Professional Employees Assoc) (2022-23), SCSP (School and Community Services Personnel) (2021-23), SPSO (Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization) 2022-23, Crossroads Elementary Science + Montessori Schools, Dayton's Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary, Johnson Aerospace & Engineering High School, Riverview Spanish/English Dual Immersion Program, RiverEast Elementary and Secondary School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). what if ultron was good fanfiction, justin jones obituary warren ohio,

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13823969d2d51523befea9871a0a5a446e westbrook public schools teacher contract