I will read your soon and am looking forward to it. He took it to the grave with him simply because his personality type thinks that this would put him one over on everyone, and, he was probably too scared to admit it due to reprocussions. ive had nightmares ever since that day off & on . But as long as you are armed, Im sure you feel like big man on campus. McElroy was supposedly harassing the Clements at their ranch, threatening to shoot their horses, parking alongside the pasture, draping a rifle out the window. Sorry pal, Im one of those 6 180 pound guys you claim youd palm. I can not put into words how painful it is to read these untruths on the internet. Did you ever hear this story? and to your footnote I was born close this town but have since move. Second. unless the last living person of that oath is on their deathbed & decides to tell who the shooter was, the shooter that they all covered for. I spent many many weeks and weekends with my grandparents there. If it was spontaneous there would have been at least one person who wouldnt have known to keep their mouth shut. And the girl killed for her baby, and the branson boy. It was a crime of opportunity he was having some beers and hearing stories about Rex over the years. i wonder why a group of ppl didnt grab him and beat him half to death way b4 the shooting. The boys mostly moved to St Joe. Surfacing briefly from her hiding place where she had sought refuge for herself and her children, Mrs. McElroy granted an interview to talk about the Kenneth Rex McElroy murder in Skidmore, MO. All the towns mentioned were familiar to me. How would you attempt to relate to him? But thousands were chambered in 32 W.S. I am sure that CC was not meaning a threat, I do not know who CC is but I thank him for standing up for Del, when Del has passed from this life. I watched a YouTube video of you, the lawyer and family members on the talk show. i just got back to the states this year was in italy taking care of a family member for some time. I do not see it that way. However, in his book, former professional Harley Race (who is from Quitman, MO) says that he had a confrontation with McElroy. The govt built a new post office on the east end of town. In 2002 I convinced him to take a road trip with me for the day and headed to Skidmore. Or in his wifes purse? Again, awesome book!! No One Saw A Thing centers around the 1981 murder of Ken Rex McElroy in Skidmore Missouri and other crimes committed in the town and surrounding area over the years. Probably sobut I also think it might have been mitigated to manslaughter or justifiable homicide. Then the shooter and his cousin ran to there truck pulled there rifles out then my mom grabed me by the wrist pulled me inside and heard a few shots sounded like a few from a 22 caliber then one big really loud shot id say a hunting rifle from my shooting experience. Too bad. and yes he kept harassing the clements and you are right. I was born in St. Joe; lived there until I married in mid 70s. In this case, Ken pushed an entire town to their breaking point. but the town was wrong to.. i have pictures facts and 2 others that were at the old service station with me the day he was gunned down. Youre right about how the shooting went down. Thank you. 1st I am so drawn to this story as my grandparents are from skidmore my grandpa has past and my grandma still lives there. Thank you Harry for your good work. That sounds like a threat at the end of your comment. Just saying. I dont condone killing such as this but fully understand how a town could have finally had ENOUGH. And yes, Dennehey was excellent. What would you say to him? Not to mention the event, which I will remind you he was never found guilty of, occurred a lifetime ago. b) They later had a child together. Also, Im kind of curious about how this event affected other people and america. Too bad it had have been done sooner. no one in their right mind ever believe someone like mcelroy would just keep getting away with things. Bullets for the 32 W.S. Compelling read. Little more than a manipulative bully, who exploited weaknesses in our legal system. Ken Rex and his memory live on and he is a hero to some I am just letting you all know that. But looking at this case through the lens of 2021, you can see how he clearly terrorized people. I need to ponder a few things before I attempt to ask any more, and I will let you know how the trip fares. I think anyone who has been on the receiving end of a bullys wrath or the injustices of the legal system to deal with criminals can put themselves in the plight of the towns people of Skidmore. And where can you find his photo? If anything, our legal system became his enabler. I tried to give the towns point of view, but to also be fair to the other people and institutions involved. Over the years he learned a well spoken threat, a well placed punch or the look, was enough to quail opposition, in most instances. Since neither did their jobs, well, this is what happens. By the way, In Broad Daylight goes up as a Kindle on Tuesday. Never saw anyone over 64. McElroy was soon infatuated with his future child bride. I suspect there are hundreds more out there. There will never be another story like this one. A World War II survivor, she continued to work. McElroy moved out of his family home to be with Alice, but this relationship was no different from his previous ones. I commented on how nice the station was, and asked if they worked on cars, as i noticed what looked to be an attached garage. she had to move,didnt have a choice. My husband, on the other hand, believed it but we didnt talk about it much. The death of Ken Rex McElroy is a perplexing case that has hung heavy over the town of Skidmore, Missouri for decades. I found this topic intriguing because of all of the controversy and opinions surrounding it. I hope thats not true, but it wouldnt surprise me if it was. You wouldnt find one, it didnt exist. I do not see that you wrote of this in your comments. He was an outlaw. Ive seen diagrams of plans to shoot McElroy on the backroads of Nodaway County; Intersections where he would have to stop on his way home, with a gunman or gunmen in the trees or behind the bushes. How old are you, 12? I identify with the descriptions of rural Missouri,in that timeframe,growing up at that time in the same setting in central Missouri. I read they found .22 magnum and 8 mm Mauser casings in the street. I have been, at least twice a year. You dont like it? just happened . I look forward to getting your new POD paperback. it was us against the world , thats the attitude we took & yeah we did bulls#@* with the gentleman from playboy ,lol.. he ate it up like candy , we all had a good laugh when he left town . When I was on the Larry King Show, he was very sympathetic during the show, and when it was over he muttered to me, I dont think its every all right to take another persons life, or something to that effect. I can remember them going into hiding after the house fire. Please move on with your life. I am not sure if he was the same Mr Sumy in the book. How do they know that he was shot with a .22 and a .308 if they didnt run ballistics? Thanks for writing. There has been no prosecution in the death of Ken Rex McElroy. They should be strung up for the way they did it. A bullet must have been recovered from the crime scene. Whats a drunken short man routine? I remember Ken well. I remember when this happened. People such as yourself who threaten other people over the Internet also tend to be cowards. While it had some Hollywood necessaries (I suppose) in it, I was surprised to see some aspects of the movie were depicted just as I have read and appreciated that. Stole what did not belong to him. Required fields are marked *. AND INTO ADULTHOOD. As I mentioned above, using Google Earth, you can see the remains of a structure still there. Almost ghost-like in the downtown area. 3. He probably had enough of McElroy chasing his bar customers away. but the shooters are dead now and wives. Who else would shoot a man in the back of the head as he sat in his truck? It would appear that you are using the connotation for coward, (i.e. Associated Press 6. One farmer told me: The killers should be given medals for what they did. a small town terrorized by one man.a town stricken with fear, a town that kept asking for help & didnt get it. This is the Home County of Kenneth McDuff, you have heard of him Im sure. thats why this towns are falling into disrepairnot just Skidmore! And even if something of a glimmer came to pass, who would believe it after all this time? Fantastic book! When I first traveled to Skidmore in 1982, the first name I heard as the shooter was Del Clement. Has the road been renamed and is the farm still in existence? He and his brother owned the D & G Tavern, in front of which McElroy was parked when he died and which had recently begun closing whenever he came to town. I hope Skidmore survives, its had a tragic history and deserves a break. People will quit talking about this about the same time they quit talking about the St. Valentines Day Massacre, so the request to Let it die is futile. Shooting him was a justified act of self-defense for everyone. Ken was 18 and Oleta was 16. . Years ago I met one of the gunmen, he was a polite gentleman. I read one of the posts saying, if this had gone to trial, they [shooters] would have been acquitted. Sitting just the next table in front of Kenrex and Trina..we were told by the owner that you need If I had a dime, no make that a nickel, for every time someone said they were going to kick my ass I would be richer then I am now from all the robbin and stealin lol. we just thought he was some creepy dude, then when the story broke about him & i saw pics i was literally shocked. Cmon people use your head. Thats how human nature works. I do not see that you wrote of this in your comments. There does not need to be a reeenactment. Being shot in the back of the head means nothing, anywhere to take him down was what was necessary.. Someone who has passed on from this life. In No One Saw A Thing we only saw her defending him but I wonder what her opinion was when she was older and able to feel her freedom from him and the rest of his family. ken rex mcelroy heightare caleb pressley interviews real. The murder occurred in broad daylight, with as many as sixty eye-witnesses present . I also was good friends with David Baird. Dont kid yourselfthere are no tough guys left after one minute in hell. More likely, it was an impulsive act. Ken McElroy was a functional illiterate. I had law officers tell me that the word was out among the cops that if you found McELroy out on the roads at night along and with a gun you should shoot him. Wow, thats a lot of questions. Also didnt Cheryl marry the town mayor or sheriff? Furthermore, I just purchased the E version of Harrys book and within its first section, he mentions that specific road and how the former coon hunting area of Ken Rex is down that road a total of 3 miles. In your first edition on page 293 you refer to three men with guns a shotgun, 30-30, and a .22; Were you referring to specific individuals or taking poetic license? Fascinating stuff! On the other hand i used to work with a gal who told me that her ex-husband had been a bartender in Skidmore. The third person with the shotgun was always a theory, but never proven. I just heard that a new cafe has opened in Skidmore, in the old B & B grocery store. Way Way before 1981. No one recognized him, even though he stopped in several places. I saw the new restaurant on Facebook (called Goodtime Charlies of Skidmore, Mo. Another note about Del, he was not a fighter, he wouldnt have started a fight. I keep going back to the though of if he knew it was the end for him. During the time that I worked with her they had reconciled and were going to get married again. There are more facts, but Id have to dig into my research for them. Del Clement died of liver disease this last spring. A guy I know used to go to school at NWMSU in Maryville, and a friend of his who was a deputy sheriff told him to stay the hell out of skidmore, because Ken Rex didnt like college kids too well. She is a person of great personal integrity and not prone to exaggeration or gossip. I see the obit photo for the second alleged shooter. Denehey had the McElroy stare down perfectly, and I think Ken reveled in being able to scare people just by looking at them. I have watched the show about it and each time I have seen it, I myself have been frustrated at the situation and I didnt even live there. I spent three years in Skidmore, and all I ever heard was that Clement was a mean drunk and had a bad temper. They probably had bad dreams over it and Ken Rex won because he still haunts them and the town of Skidmore. I was in college (NWMSU) when all of this was happening. I must be missing something. From the beginning of his life, on June 1, 1934, Ken Rex McElroy seemed destined for a trouble and cruelty. I hear now and then from others that I should just let the story die, that there is no reason to keep talking about it, etc. Im not condoning vigilante justice, but shouldnt i have a reasonable expectation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Hi Harry I loved reading the book I have a question I know there was a made for TV movie made, have you been approached on making a newer version of a movie? I read the Playboy version, wasnt real impressed with it. Were the cops afraid of him? Could you explain your opinion? as the old saying goes .. as you live by the sword , you will die by the sword McElroy lived life as a bully & he died a bully . My question is: Is there any interviews or documentation regarding Trenas opinions on McElroy as she got older and remarried? it was truly scary , I seen McElroy back in early 81 . I seriously doubt you are 68 and 320 and all muscle. 2. I met the current owner, who quietly said to not ask the Ultimate Question. After all look at the thug #45, Your email address will not be published. I was there a few years ago, and the bar was open, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was closed now, or maybe just open for parties. I never saw a time when he was anything but pleasant to be around. I said i wouldnt. 717 people, hmmmmmm a small town just a little bigger than skidmore- makes you wonder ? In an earlier post you stated Del Clement, in my view, was also a coward. which he still shared with Sharon and their two kids. The likelihood that a serious offer was made and accepted seems highly unlikely, given McElroys reputation and his many friends in the area. Where can one read your interview with Trena when she no longer defended Ken Rex ? Walked out the door. It not only provided additional information on the people, places and events that lead to the showdown on main street but the also with the aftermath of investigations, reflections and conclusions. EVERYONE has a breaking point. It tells in some detail the process of writing and researching the book, particularly the difficulty when the town was closed up around the killers. I spent 8 years in the Marines. The last straw was when she sued the town and the mayor of wrongful death of her husband. The classic print edition is now available at: http://tiny.cc/KeepsakeEdition The few times I saw him he was drunk, once so badly he could barely stand. This story, and the book, will far outlive me, and anyone else alive today, Ive come to believe. Its so hard to imagine that he was not dealt with long before, I mean a good beat down every time he came to town. This six-episode true-crime docuseries comes from Sundance TV and premiered last August. I knew Del in his later years and enjoyed his company. He ( the shooter) brought peace & saved the lives of many. I was quickly sent in the house. Some guys were playing cards at a table. if they wanted to kill her , they would have just shot her along with ken,THEY LET HER LIVE. He did whatever he wanted, often in front of witness, and through a combination of great legal representation and intimidation, McElroy was only convicted once. Rod Rex you might be a narcissist but you certainly arent any man. After you turn off V, you go a few miles, hit a curve, and Tims house is on the right. The good people there, many of them are defenseless against these thugs. Ken Rex McElroy (1 Juni 1934 - 10 Juli 1981) adalah warga Skidmore, Nodaway County, Missouri, Amerika Serikat. Ken would had sooner or later murdered. Love both your books on the subject, Harry. In a few weeks we will have a new POD paperback which will contain both In Broad Daylight and The Story Behind In Broad Daylight. Werent there a couple of men who were offered a lot of money to blow him away? Just after the killing two of the. I know there were plans to combine school districts, but Im not sure if that;s happened. Deputy was there talking to my dad as he was stealing it. The man Im thinking of, one time, was merely asked by the Los Angeles Police to move his double parked 18 wheeler. Let sleeping dogs lay in this tragedy. Over time lawlessness usually kills a community whether it is Rural or Urban. He was the Skidmore bully. Harry. No one saw a thing is a piece of junk. Many people i knew standing around. Let this story be told and retold and commented upon as warning to bullies and scumbags that if they want to bully people sooner or later, one way or another, they are going to get what is coming to them, one way or another. Why wasnt the pickup secured immediately by the first Officer who arrived on scene? This was verified. Mr. MaClean, excellent book!!! Actually, I think Del Clements act was totally impulsive. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD8iUdp33PqTsix2sGblEQZ8m5FQycC5D Vigilante justice, or. That County has a long history of bullies and criminals. Specifically, he says that McElroy showed up at a bar to bully some retirees out of their pension checks, and Harley was there, confronted McElroy, and knocked him on his butt with a right hook. I have to wonder also if the town had turned in the killers, if it would have fared better than it has? But if you read the 2007 version of In Broad Daylight, which contains an epilogue bringing the case up to date, youll get some interesting information on who were on the other two guns. How many more people had to be shot and live in abject heck before the law did anything about this evil SOB? He was not looking forward to going to prison for a couple of years, and his best days as a coon hunter and seducer of girls were long behind him. Perhaps you were drunk, too, I live in Independence, MO (after living in LA and Indiana) not far from SkidmoreO have read this book three times it is so goodthe entire story is one of the most intriguing incidents everYou did a GREAT job (And I am a screenwriter, myself (and actor/comedian)I hope you have other true story books, cause I want to read themAre you into screenwriting as well? They found indents in the aluminum frame of the rear window of the Silverado consistent with bird shot from a shot gun, According to the Movie (which was shot near Elgin Texas) a Missouri State Trooper had to Break the Law and threaten McElroy with murder to get him to stop stalking the Troopers wife and family. He leaves Sharon to move in with Alice. Not to mention that Del was of average height. The people in Skidmore were by and large very hostile to her. Trena, McElroys wife, even told the story that a man showed up at the McElroy farm outside Skidmore to kill McElroy for money, but that McElroy talked him out of it. Defense lawyer. anyway skidmore is gone , the town is dying & its sad to see. A misanthrope that even treated his dogs, that he apparently loved, badly. Last i heard she was in Columbia. we tolerated him doesnt meen we liked him. The movie was shot in Elgin, Texas, which youll note bears no resemblance to Skidmore. Theres much speculation about where the files are, who took them, but speculation only. It wasnt hard to imagine him jerking the gun from his pickup in a burst of anger and opening up on the large black head on the other side of the rear window of the pickup. If that had happened, I doubt there would have been much of an outcry, and surely no book entitled In Broad Daylight. This makes it EASY for Thugs to dispose of peoples property out of state. It has dredged up so much. I honestly dont think it matters who killed McElroy; might as well say all of Skidmore committed a justifiable homicide, in self defence. He waited, like a coward, until the people I was with left the bar, and then came up to me and started doing his drunken short man routine, which everyone in the area is quite familiar with. I just finished the book in the new version and really enjoyed it. Ken McElroy got what was coming to him. They made him move. I spent years in Skidmore. Finally, there is some confusion on the rifles used. I wondered if his TX neighbors even know about his involvement in this Skidmore event. Judging from the photos on FB, it appears that it may be where the Bowenkamps grocery store was located (judging from photos I saw in your book In Broad Daylight, and some YouTube videos that tourists have posted). That was what infuriated the townspeople. Ken McElroy - Wikipedia Ken McElroy Ken Rex McElroy (June 1, 1934 - July 10, 1981) was an American criminal and convicted attempted murderer who resided in Skidmore, Missouri, United States. He also had a slow temper. I was in Skidmore once and innocently asked about the shooting, I was told to mind my own business or I would wind up like Ken shot from behind. this town shut its mouth , nobody talked & nobody will , i know del clement is the one who supposedly fired the fatal shot but no one really knows. He did not die in the spring, he did not die slowly. ive thoyght of moving back to skidmore , but nothings left . I wont speculate as to who it was you met. He had closed up the bar and was coming home when he ran off the road.

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