The committee made a recommendation on ensuring that the safeguarding policy is accessible, easy to find and understand because safeguarding is everyone's responsibility, and people with little experience of safeguarding (such as visitors) may need to read it. Make sure you're up to scratch with rules and regulations. P~iv|znjrH[X8e1Cf!"jJ-X,;lqE->%@u\%$(6dsd#jtTmc!\El-MW:rhkXDx"dl5kmq@crgqoEbtq8. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on identifying abuse and neglect to make the recommendations. Medication misuse can be a sign of neglect or physical abuse, so the committee included slightly different indicators in both sections. Some qualitative evidence was available, but the committee had limited confidence in it. Its imperative to have fully-implemented safeguarding policies at childcare settings and to have a designated safeguarding lead that liaises with the relevant local authorities. Grief matters for children: promoting effective bereavement strategies in schools: one-day conference. %%EOF Overall, the committee's confidence in the research evidence was low. VAT Registration Number: GB 830 472 251, Open source web development - pedalo limited, Involving parents in their childrens learning, Business Blocks: essential resources for your early years business, Charitable settings - legislation and governance. Managers will also need time to provide one-on-one support to anxious staff, and to make changes to policies, processes and training in response to the outcome of safeguarding enquiries. Organisations may need to do more to involve people at risk and their independent advocates in safeguarding enquiries. SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATION (SEBDA). Although there was no evidence on this the committee agreed it would be helpful to specify that this should take place within 6weeks of starting work. Posted on Sep 24, 2016 Psychological abuse affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors. Care homes do not currently nominate people to provide support to staff accused of abuse or neglect. (ANSWERED THE QUESTION TOGETHER) The safeguarding and welfare requirements are put in place to make sure that childcare professionals/ providers promote the welfare of children and to keep them well and protected. If the research allows care homes to better utilise these reviews to improve practice, the safety and wellbeing of care home residents will improve. 09270577, (which weve covered in a previous blog, and can be found here), < The EYFS - measuring and assessing progress. NATIONAL ECZEMA SOCIETYThe National Eczema Society gives advice and assistance on lifestyle changes and self-help measures to help keep eczema under control. There is some variation across the UK in the way care homes conduct training, although the contracts that providers have with local authorities will tend to encourage best practice and standardisation. Help is at hand from the Child Bereavement Society, which runs a course called Grief and bereavement in early years settings. Mandatory training is required to fulfil section 14.225 of the Care and support statutory guidance 2020, and each organisation is responsible for ensuring that staff receive effective training. Local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and other commissioners should already be monitoring safeguarding in care homes as part of contract management, so this should not represent a significant change in practice. The recommendations are based on existing non-NICE UK guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators in this guideline. The committee emphasised what care homes find most important when they make a safeguarding referral to a local authority, and at the beginning of a section 42 enquiry. Family learning, parentingand school readiness, Volunteering, co-production and parental engagement, Supporting children, young people and adults, Parents and carers: Support the fight for fair early years funding, Getting involved in your child's development, Family Time Tips - free children's activities to try, Simple ideas to promote wellbeing in young kids, Join the fight for fair early years funding, Look up funding rate changes and provider closures in your constituency, The problem with 'free childcare': an interactive explainer for parents and carers, Join forces with early years providers in your area, MP letter campaign: Say no to relaxed ratios, expected levels of progress for their age. The guidance highlighted the challenges associated with whistleblowing and the impact whistleblowing can have on care homes, staff and volunteers. Instead, it is more likely to be a cumulative consequence of how services are managed, led and funded. First-aid at work: four-day practical course, including an examination. While these skills are probably rarely used, early years staff need to be confident and proficient in them, so it is essential to arrange regular refresher training. There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. No research evidence was identified about the indicators that should alert people to organisational abuse and neglect in care homes. Safeguarding Self Assessments (Audit) The Safeguarding Self-Assessments (Safeguarding Audits) are intended to support you to meet the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early. ]6>XlYPCR*`S, `Z9@ 0CT5 Rationale and impact | Safeguarding adults in care homes - NICE They should also encourage staff to report safeguarding problems in the future, as it would be clear to them that everyone would receive support regardless of their involvement. Early years the importance of early intervention for infants at risk: providing professionals with a toolkit for the emotional screening of infants and early signs of distress. Safeguarding can be implemented by anybody who comes into contact with individuals at risk of this type of treatment, such as children or vulnerable adults. Therefore, the committee made recommendations focusing on these issues. Involving parents in their child's learning, Early Years Alliance is the trading name of the Pre-school Learning Alliance. 26 February 2021. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to make recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. A "Complete Childcare Package" is also available combining all seven early years training resources. These sections briefly explain why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice. Portage's four main activities are: weekly home visits by a trained home visitor; weekly written teaching activities designed for the individual child and parent; teaching and recording carried out by the parent; and weekly supervision by the home visitor. The implications for care home resources should not be significant, and some of the ways of working suggested may already be in place in some or most care homes. Early Years Foundation Stage safeguarding and welfare requirements There were a number of issues that limited how the committee could use the findings. NHS Connect is the professional and training development arm of the National Childbirth Trust. They may also need to do more to promote more positive attitudes about whistleblowing among staff, and to encourage an open culture to help staff feel more confident raising concerns. The paramount duty of all childcare practitioners is to keep the children in their care safe from harm and to ensure their well-being at all times. The Alliance publishes a helpful guide, Observation, Assessment and Planning which is . In addition, there were concerns about methods used in some of the studies, for example in relation to data analysis processes and how the researchers took account of ethical issues. Inclusion is key to effective practice in the EYFS, which places such emphasis on the individual child. There must be procedures in place for when children get ill, suitable first-aid facilities, written records, and healthy snacks, meals and drinks.The areas used for food preparation must be adequately equipped and food hygiene training for anyone preparing or handling food is essential. A wide range of people are involved in enquiries into organisational abuse and neglect. Please note that changes to content are minor and providers willnotneed to alter any planning based on the September 2020 version that they may have already made. The recommendations are for care home managers and local agencies, to ensure that organisations can implement this at the local level. The EYFS also includes the new paediatric first aid (PFA) training requirement that all newly qualified entrants to the early years workforce with a Level 2 or 3 qualification must also have either a full or emergency PFA certificate within 3 months of starting work. In particular, the evidence looked at the concept of whistleblowing and the reasons why care home staff may be reluctant to report concerns (for example, fear of losing their job). Under the EYFS, it is a requirement to review childrens progress between the ages of two and three. Acting early may improve the quality and safety of care and support for residents. The main concerns were around bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. This evidence did not demonstrate any differences in costs or effectiveness between 2 different programmes. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. What is Safeguarding and Welfare? - Twinkl There was a small amount of qualitative evidence on effective multi-agency working, and on responding to and managing safeguarding concerns. Enable's services include legal advice and direct care services for children and adults with learning disabilities.ENABLE IRELANDEnable Ireland's services cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational and social development from early infancy. The recommendations will help standardise practice, and ensure that managers promote safeguarding training and learning in care homes. recommendations in the Safeguarding children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007). The main issues with the evidence were that the included studies provided only limited data and reported research conducted in a range of settings, making it difficult to determine whether each finding was directly relevant to care home contexts. So, we know that the EYFS requirements are divided into 2 key areas learning and development (which weve covered in a previous blog, and can be found here) and safeguarding and welfare. hbbd```b`` Theoretical perspectives on child abuse. The course looks at physical, sensory, cognitive and emotional/behavioural difficulties, and specific areas such as dyslexia. Some organisations will need to review how they provide support. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Safeguarding is about preventing children from being abused and protecting them from abuse. This may involve extra work for care home managers. There was no evidence comparing the effectiveness of different modes of training (for example e-learning programmes compared with group sessions). adequacy, as the themes were based on relatively limited data. Care home managers may need to re-assess how they engage with safeguarding training. MA Education 2023. Care home staff need to be able to recognise these indicators and act upon them. Based on their own knowledge, the committee decided to emphasise the legal protections for whistleblowers. PDF CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFEGUARDING POLICY Rationale It is a guiding As a result, they felt that it was important to make specific recommendations on this, to ensure that this learning is more widely promoted. The learning and development requirements in sections 1 and 2 of this framework, and the safeguarding and welfare requirements in section 3 of this framework, are indicated by the use of the word "must". Getting the views of residents will ensure that their needs are understood and that subsequent care can be person-centred and outcomes-focused. The committee agreed that this is a crucial area and they built on the evidence with their own expertise. The committee provided anecdotal evidence of concerns about the efficacy of e-learning, in particular when there is no opportunity for discussion and human interaction. PDF SAFEGUARDING POLICY Rationale - Educ8 Luton Care homes should already have a safeguarding policy and procedure, and the recommendations reflect statutory requirements. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. Although the practitioner might be acting in the best interest of the person, they may be operating within the constraints of their role. Because of the multiple organisations involved and the complexity of the process, communication is important, so the committee made recommendations to ensure that everyone involved is kept informed about the process. L%` ~fO } %LI0yH2L@"@a9&F`{?# These recommendations encourage openness about lessons learned across agencies, and emphasise the factors that might help care homes to make their culture more positive. Safeguarding - Wikipedia The strength of the evidence was limited, but the committee made recommendations in areas where the evidence aligned with their own experience and expertise. The committee believed it was important to have systems in place to make sure policies and procedures are followed. 4539003) It is important that this is used routinely to help improve safeguarding practices. Paediatric first-aid: certificated course inspected and controlled by the Health and Safety Executive. the relevance of the evidence, as the studies presented findings from domiciliary settings and it was not always clear when findings related specifically to the care home context. BRITISH RED CROSSFirst-aid for baby and child: UK-wide courses for anyone wishing to learn first aid skills for babies and children.First-aid for child carers: designed to meet the first aid training needs of child minders and child carers. It also promotes child safety awareness during Child Safety Week. Depending on how well local authorities already work with other organisations, they may need to do more to develop good ongoing relationships about safeguarding with care homes and to promote multi-agency working. These areas areconnected, with learning in one particular area supporting learning in the others. There were also concerns regarding the adequacy of data, as most of the themes in the evidence were based on limited data. Policies and procedures play a vital role in improving the quality of children's services and are an integral part of best practice. They also agreed that care homes should build good relationships with local authorities, seeking advice if needed, in order to better judge when referrals should be made. It meets the needs of Sure Start and Early Years and is appropriate for members of NCMA and PLA as well as anyone who is caring for children.BRITISH STAMMERING ASSOCIATION, BSA aims to help eliminate stammering in children by improving information for practitioners.BSA National Conference 2011 9-11 September, Durham: a programme of workshops and presentations, and a great chance to meet other people who stammer. The committee agreed that this should be encouraged at all levels, to help create a care home culture where safeguarding is central and transparency is established. MUDIAD YSGOLION MEITHRINAbersaff: training linking to the Abersaff resource pack focusing on health and safety guidelines. The recommendations are based on a review of existing guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators referred to in this guideline. Although there was some quantitative evidence on the effectiveness of safeguarding training, there were concerns with this evidence. There is variation in how much care home managers do to encourage other staff to learn more about safeguarding. It is based on the principle that parents are the key figures in their care and development. : a seminar on the topic of safeguarding children.BRITISH DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION. However, it will bring care homes in line with best practice, particularly in terms of supervision and continuing professional development. This includes all procedures designed to prevent harm to a child. Coeliac UK provides help to coeliacs and those with dermatitis herpetiformis (an itchy skin rash caused by gluten sensitivity). Courses include: Keyhole Training: this 12 hour course (divided into five sessions) is aimed at anyone working with pre-school children with an ASD in an Early Years setting group. Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements | Nursery World The RNIB offers information, support and advice to more than two million people who have sight problems. The committee also wanted to emphasise the important role of commissioners in working with care homes. This may have resource implications for care homes, who will be responsible for ensuring that support is available in the short and long term and that it is tailored to each person's needs. The recommendations may also help to reduce the number of section 42 enquiries involving the care home, local authority and others. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are designed to ensure that childcare providers promote the welfare of children and keep them safe and well. There were a number of concerns with this evidence, around: the methods used, for example in relation to data analysis and sampling strategies, the relevance of the themes in the evidence, as some of the studies were conducted in care settings other than care homes. Although there were concerns about this evidence (mainly regarding the adequacy and relevance of the data), the committee also drew on their own expertise to make the recommendations. The charity has support groups for one-parent families, parents of triplets or more, special needs families, those who have lost one or more of a multiple-birth set, and those who are expecting or have twins, triplets or more as a result of fertility treatment. For the quantitative data, this was mostly because of the use of non-randomised trials and imprecision in effect estimates. ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING. More detailed information on safeguarding training and the competencies that different staff need is covered in Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018. Promotion of good health for the children in childcare settings is vital. The Early Years Foundation Stage | early years alliance There was a small amount of qualitative evidence relating to the information and support needs of care home staff during a safeguarding enquiry. Topics include: leadership and management; safeguarding and child protection; nursery environment; nutrition, serving food and oral health; out-of-school care; working with babies; and nursery visits and visitors. The Safeguarding and Welfare requirements cover the steps that providers must take to keep children safe and promote their welfare. One of the toughest tasks an early years practitioner can ever face is supporting a grieving child. The committee recognised that there should be a clear difference and understanding of the roles of the practitioners and independent advocate involved in safeguarding. The committee felt that this was an important area, and built on the evidence using their own expertise. To reflect this, the indicators are split into 2 categories ('consider' and 'suspect'), with different actions based on the likelihood of abuse or neglect. This research did not specifically evaluate the impact that care home culture can have on staff willingness to report safeguarding concerns. There were issues with the relevance of the qualitative data, as it was not always clear whether findings related specifically to safeguarding. ALCOHOL CONCERNWorking with difficult to engage young people experiencing alcohol-related harm: supporting vulnerable young people at risk of alcohol-related harm.ALLERGY UKProvide factsheets and organise awareness weeks.ANAPHYLAXIS CAMPAIGNAllergyWise for families, carers and individuals: online resource with advice on how to manage a serious allergic reaction, including a step-by-step guide on what to do in an emergency, information on allergen exposure, food labelling and how to reduce the risk of cross-contamination, and long-term management and how to develop individual management plans. To help them, there are plenty of CPD courses staged by early years training organisations, specialist groups and charities, on a host of topics from sun safety to anaphylactic shock. The course is also suitable for Security / Close Protection Officers who may have to deal with Paediatric emergencies. For example, if staff have a better understanding of abuse and neglect, they may raise more concerns and there may be an increase in safeguarding referrals and enquiries. The committee made a recommendation on sharing information from Safeguarding Adults Boards with care home staff because they thought it could improve accountability, and help staff understand the responsibilities of other practitioners and organisations in relation to safeguarding. SEBDA, formerly the Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, promotes excellence in services for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Enable is the largest membership organisation in Scotland for people with learning disabilities and for family carers. More resources may be needed for a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, but it should improve the quality and safety of care and support. Qualitative themes were identified from the research evidence, covering the challenges associated with governance, roles and responsibilities, and lines of communication. The welfare of children and adults is paramount and they have an equal right to protection from abuse whatever their age, culture, ability or disability, gender, language, racial . Most of the indicators are adapted from the guidance the committee reviewed, and others were added by the committee based on their knowledge and expertise. INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Well summarise some of the most important ones for you here. The committee discussed whether it is possible to specify how soon new staff should have mandatory safeguarding training. Prevention refers to stopping children from being abused. Instead, the committee reviewed existing non-NICE UK sector guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. These recommendations will help standardise the use of reflective supervision. Return to recommendations During a safeguarding enquiry, care home managers will need to allocate time to hold discussions with staff and direct them to external information and advice. Reflecting on these observations means practitioners can shape learning experiences for individual children. However, there were concerns with the adequacy of this data, limitations arising from the data analysis processes used in the studies, and issues with selection bias. Standards of documentation and record-keeping within care homes vary widely, so these recommendations are expected to help standardise practice. Implementing the recommendations may involve minor changes to existing practice. This may mean that managers have to place greater emphasis on reflective practice and shared learning among staff. There were concerns regarding the adequacy and relevance of the data, as it was not clear whether all of the findings were from a care home context. Areas covered include the role of the appointed person, health and safety of the early years environment, the first-aid box, emergency procedures, children's accidents and how to record them. The effectiveness of training and learning with other organisations is likely to be improved if positive relationships are established. However, the committee agreed that these findings can be a key source of learning material for care home providers, and they regularly use information from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in their own work. Courses include career training, primary care and psychotherapeutic skills. Based on this lack of coverage the committee felt it was important to make a research recommendation on self-neglect in care homes.
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