O ye manifestations of the divine names in the highest heaven! Wilt Thou keep back, O my Master, those that have recognized Thee from the shores of Thy sanctified knowledge, or wilt Thou cease to rain down upon the hearts of such as desire Thee the showers of Thy transcendent grace? Thou, verily, ordainest as Thou pleasest. Wherefore am I ashamed, as are all who mention Thee, to approach the exalted heights of Thy remembrance, and am powerless, as are all who extol Thee, to ascend unto the lofty summits of Thy praise. Forums for Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous Nexus. Those were the days whereon the All-Merciful cast the splendour of all His names over all who are in His heaven and on His earth. How can ye atone for your past failure? The Kingdom of God doth in truth circle round Him. 5 Look Thou moreover, O my God, with the glances of the eye of Thy mercy, upon Thy loved ones who are scattered in the land of .8 They have tarried there ever since they were prevented from seeking shelter beneath the shade of the Tree of Thy oneness. 13 Take heed, O people, lest ye deprive yourselves of the breezes of these days wherein the fragrance of the divine Robe is being wafted at every moment from the presence of this glorious and radiant Youth. Verily, Thou art the Lord of grace and bounty, of endless bestowal and unfettered sovereignty. 2 This is the ninth day of Rivn, O my God, and on this day one of Thy loved ones hath, as a token of his love for Thy Beauty and in the eagerness of his devotion to Thee, invited Him Who is the Manifestation of Thy Self and the Dayspring of Thy glory to leave His room in the prison for another. This is the Day whereon the sore athirst have attained the stream of everlasting life and the yearning souls have beheld the Vision of the All-Merciful. Follow Him, and be not of those that have turned aside. From eternity Thou didst Thyself describe Thine own Self unto Thy Self, and extol, in Thine own Essence, Thine Essence unto Thine Essence. How wondrous a song, how wondrous indeed! Subduing the Spirit is a Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. The mystery of all mysteries, emerging from behind the veils of concealment, hath, in very truth, been revealed to the righteous, as bidden by God, the Almighty, the Unconstrained. Make them then, O my God, to be the exponents of Thine ascendancy and Thy might, that they may arise to glorify Thee and to celebrate Thy praise amidst Thy servants, in such wise that neither the veils of the people of the earth, nor their insinuations, nor the onslaught of them that have arisen to put out Thy light, may keep them back from Thee. Be assured in thyself, and reveal then unto all beings a measure of that which God bestowed upon thee ere the creation of words and letters and the fashioning of all things, and ere the establishment of the kingdom of names and attributes and the revelation of His mighty and guarded Tablet. 106 views, 2 likes, 1 loves, 1 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Christian Life Camps Bay: Welcome to our Good Friday Service. Verily, the voice of their lamentation hath been raised on account of their love for Thee, and their hearts are consumed with the fire of separation in Thy days. I am persuaded that if Thou wert to delay to send down Thy victory and to demonstrate Thy power, the signs of Thy sovereignty would assuredly perish in Thy land, and the tokens of Thy rule would be blotted out throughout Thy dominion. 15 With harp and lute She sang in praise of Her Beloved. 2 O Lord! No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Glorious, Whose help is implored by all. Similarly, the mercy of God is seen only in its relief of God's wrath. This, verily, is the name whereby the Mystic Dove hath warbled upon the celestial bough, proclaiming: All dominion belongeth forever unto God, our Lord, the Most Merciful!. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word, by which also, and by the administration of the sacraments, and prayer, it is increased and strengthened. In the name of God, the Most Wondrous, the Most Glorious! This is the Day whereon He Who is the Mouthpiece of God, the All-Possessing, the Inaccessible, the Most High, hath called out from the realm of eternity, saying: The Kingdom is Gods, the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious!, 2 Lauded be Thy name, O Thou Who causest the winds to blow and the dawn to break, Who revealest the verses and unveilest the proofs! The only offer I rejected was the boon from Nocticula at the end of act 4. And woe unto them that have deprived themselves of this resplendent Vision., 17 This is the Day whereon the Point of the Bayn6 called out from the midmost heart of Paradise, saying: O people! 13 I swear by Thy glory! From everlasting the doors of Thy generosity were open to the faces of Thy servants, and the gentle winds of Thy grace were wafted over the hearts of Thy creatures, and the overflowing rains of Thy bounty were showered upon Thy people and the dwellers of Thy realm. Grant them leave, then, to pass round to the inhabitants of the world, high and low alike, that cup of life which hath been drawn from the heavenly stream of mercy. 4 O Lord! Call upon My loved ones on My behalf. Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. O ye that abide beneath the tabernacle of grandeur! Abandon your couches and undertake the Most Great Pilgrimage for the sake of this pure and refulgent Beauty. Convey unto them My praise, My remembrance, and My greetings, that the sweet fragrances of the bounty of thy Lord may attract them and draw them nigh unto God, the Almighty, the All-Praised. For they remain immature in the Cause of God and suckle the milk of ignorance at the breast of waywardness. Sanctify, then, their eyes, O my God, that they may behold the light of Thy Beauty, and purge their ears, that they may listen to the melodies of the Dove of Thy transcendent oneness. All glory be to that which God hath bestowed upon us! How astounding a denial, how astounding indeed! In the name of God, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful! 24 Upon hearing the lamentations of the inhabitants of the realm of dust, the Beauty of the All-Beloved lingered a moment, and the Eye of majesty wept sore at their weeping. Were all the peoples of the earth to join together to harm a single one of the people of Bah, they would find themselves powerless, for all that they see as harming Thy chosen ones is as light unto them and as fire unto Thine enemies. 10 This is the Day whereon the Spirit5 proclaimed from the midmost heart of heaven: O concourse of creation! All glory be to this manifest and wondrous Cause! 10 Arise, and proclaim unto the entire creation the tidings that He Who is the All-Merciful hath directed His steps towards the Rivn and entered it. Beware lest ye deny the One but for Whom the Day-Star of the Bayn would never have dawned nor would the verses of the All-Merciful have been revealed. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. Turn the anguish of your separation from Him into the joy of an everlasting reunion, and let the sweetness of His presence dissolve the bitterness of your remoteness from His court. For the letters of negation, no matter how far they may be removed from the holy fragrances of Thy knowledge, and however forgetful they may become of the wondrous splendours of the dawning-light of Thy beauty, which are shed from the heaven of Thy majesty, must needs exist in Thy realm, so that the words which affirm Thee may thereby be exalted. O ye that thirst after Him! Bestow upon them, moreover, a portion of Thy manifold bounties in these days whereon every abased one hath been exalted, every faithful soul invested with Thy grace, every chilled heart enkindled, every poor one enriched, and every seeker sent forth upon the path. Preferrest thou to tarry when the breeze announcing the Day of God hath already breathed over thee, or art thou of them that are shut out as by a veil from Him? Blessed, then, be the All-Glorious, Who appeared in the world of creation with a sovereignty that transcendeth the heavens and the earth! 20 Lauded be Thy name, O Thou Who art the Goal of my desire! 10 This is the Day whereon the false gods of idle fancy were overthrown through the power of our Lord, the Almighty, the All-Knowing. Haste forth unto your celestial habitation. N. 4 Glorified, then, be Thou, O my God! Follow Him, and cling not unto that which ye possess of the proclamations of former times. Thou bearest witness, and seest, and knowest the things that have befallen Thy loved ones in Thy days, and the continual trials, and the successive tribulations, and the incessant afflictions, which have been sent down upon Thine elect. We testify that Thou hast from everlasting occupied so transcendent a station as to elude the grasp of even them that have recognized Thee, and that Thou wilt abide unto everlasting in heights of glory so inaccessible that the birds of the hearts of Thy devoted servants will forever fail to soar into the atmosphere of Thy knowledge. Enable us, then, to champion Thy Cause, to assist Thy Faith, and to speak forth Thy Name before all who are in Thy heaven and on Thine earth, that every land may be filled with the wonders of Thy remembrance and every face illumined with the light of Thy countenance. In the open radiance of His glory He standeth before you. By Thy glory! The spirit of understanding, flowing from the Pen of the All-Glorious, hath, by virtue of His grace, been conferred upon all created things. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions.. Thou knowest what is in me, but I know not what is in Thee. Rise above the horizon of certitude in the name of your Lord, the All-Merciful, and tear asunder the veils that have come between you and the Lord of all creation. How wondrous a mystery, how wondrous indeed! Rise from amongst the dead and turn your faces towards the Dayspring of His grace which shineth above this resplendent horizon. Thou art the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. A. Therein was the Temple of Bah seated upon the throne of eternity, and the splendours of His countenance dawned above the horizon of creation with the light of wondrous glory. No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Praised. 5 Shedding forth from earth to heaven its resplendent rays. Thine is the power to command; Thou ordainest as Thou pleasest through Thy word Be, and it is., 16 O Maid of Bah! Thy might, in truth, is equal to all things. No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Wise. 15 O followers of the Gospel! 4 This servant11 besought his Lord to write down for His chosen ones the recompense of this Day and of that which shone forth thereon above the horizon of the will of our Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. 19 When that joy born of God had taken hold of all else besides Him, the Most Great Spirit called out once more, proclaiming: O ye dwellers of the kingdoms of earth and heaven! Grant, then, that they may guide all people unto this Luminary, the like of which the eye of creation hath never beheld and which standeth peerless in the realms of the seen and the unseen. Turn, then, O my God, their fear into the evidences of Thy peace and Thy security, and their abasement into the sovereignty of Thy glory, and their poverty into Thine all-sufficient riches, and their distress into the wonders of Thy perfect tranquillity. 10 Lauded be Thy name, O Lord my God, and my Master! Such was their plight that the letter B became oblivious of the letter E, and the lovers forsook the face of their Beloved, the Almighty, the All-Praised. All the words and meanings that have been created in the realm of existence return, in the end, to that Word which hath flowed from the pen of Thy Command and the fingers of Thy Decree. My sole purpose in showing forth Thine ascendancy hath been to glorify Thy Cause, and to magnify Thy word. I swear by Thy glory, O my Best-Beloved! 1 Thessalonians 3:3 Send down then upon them, from the clouds of Thy oneness and the heaven of Thy grace, that which will enable them to dispense with aught else except Thee. Blessed, then, be the All-Bountiful, the Source of this all-encompassing grace! It is by His Name that the cities of names have been adorned; it is by His remembrance that the hearts of the chosen ones have been set ablaze. It behoveth all to lay down their lives for the sake of Thine ear that heareth the cries of Thine ardent lovers in every land and the sighs of Thy friends who suffer at the hands of Thine enemies. Intone, then, the sweetest of melodies betwixt earth and heaven, that all existence may be detached from aught save the face of thy Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Gracious, the Well-Beloved. 7 I swear by Thy glory, O Beloved of them that yearn after Thee and Desire of those who cherish Thy love! On His right strode the Realm of Command, and on His left marched the hosts of the well-favoured ones. Rich is the prize that shall be won by him who hath believed and exclaimed: Lauded art Thou, O Beloved of all worlds! All glory be to that which God hath bestowed upon us! 22 Cast, then, upon me, O my God, the glances of Thy mercy, and forgive me my trespasses and the trespasses of them that are dear to Thee, and which come in between us and the revelation of Thy triumph and Thy grace. Send down then upon us all that we have besought of the wonders of Thy grace and favour, and suffer us not to be debarred from turning towards Thee and drawing nigh unto the sanctuary of Thy transcendent oneness. 13 O inhabitants of the realms of the seen and the unseen! Seek ye in these days the grace of God and His all-embracing mercy, and beware lest ye follow in the footsteps of every veiled and heedless soul. Magnified be Thy name, O Thou Who art the Fashioner of the heavens and the Creator of all names, Who sheddest Thy splendour upon all things through the power of Thy Most Great Name. 1 Glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! 4 O Lord! I entreat Thee moreover, O my God, to graciously enable my loved ones to show their hospitality unto Thee through their character and their conduct, that the heavenly table of Thy loving-kindness may thereby be spread before all Thy servants and that all the peoples of the world may gather round it. How great is my wish to attain unto a detachment so complete that were there to appear before me those countenances which are hid within the chambers of chastity, and the beauty of which Thou didst veil from the eyes of the entire creation, and whose faces Thou didst sanctify from the sight of all beings, and were they to unveil themselves in all the glory of the splendours of Thine incomparable beauty, I would refuse to look upon them, and would behold them solely for the purpose of discerning the mysteries of Thy handiwork, which have perplexed the minds of such as have drawn nigh unto Thee, and awed the souls of all them that have recognized Thee. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. But lo, He hath now appeared with the power of truth and unveiled to you His beauty. Strengthen, then, their hearts in such wise that the ascendancy of those who have disbelieved in Thee and in Thy signs may never dismay them. Praise be unto Thee, a praise that no earthly tongue can ever befittingly extol, a praise through which the outpourings of Thy mercy have rained upon all created things and the light of Thy countenance hath shone upon all who are in heaven and on earth. This, verily, is but perfect grace and unalloyed blessing, and the very essence, origin, and ultimate abode thereof, for within the compass of Thy knowledge there is naught higher than this grace nor sweeter than this blessing. 11 From which the fragrant breezes of the spirit were perceived. 2 I beseech Thee, O my God, by this Day and by Him Whom Thou hast made to be the Dawning-Place of Thy revelation and the Dayspring of Thine inspiration, to ordain for Thy loved ones the good of this world and of the world to come, and to number them with those whom naught can distract from Thy remembrance and praise. Were any man of insight to press upon this holy Tablet, he would see the blood of my heart flowing from it, a blood that hath melted for the love of Thee and of those who have been hindered from beholding Thy face after having directed their steps towards Thee and having come to abide within the city or its precincts. Thou art He Who, from eternity, abode in His realm, in the glory of His transcendent unity, and the splendours of His holy grandeur. False Grace is a spell similar to False Life. In Midnight's Isles, i'm looking for zacharius to complete my quest (SUBDUING THE SPIRIT), I finished all my businesses here and i need to go to the next chapter but I don't want to give up on becoming a lich since it's a mythic quest and it will disapear after that. Render thanks, then, and be not of those who join partners with God. 1 On the first day that the Ancient Beauty ascended His Most Great Throne in the garden named Rivn, the Tongue of Glory gave utterance to three blessed words. 21 O Lord! All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. 26 The Hand of Power then parted the veil of grandeur, whence the Beauty of the All-Glorious emerged with supreme sovereignty. I, Myself, am, of Mine own right, its Ruler.. Potent art Thou to do what Thou willest, and powerful and supreme art Thou over all things. First, that in this Revelation the law of the sword hath been annulled.3 Second, that ere the expiration of one thousand years whosoever advanceth a prophetic claim is false. Blessed, then, be they that have turned towards Thee, attained Thy presence, and hearkened unto Thy call. 2 This is a festival wherein all things have been adorned with the vesture of the names of God, and wherein His bounty hath compassed all things from first to last. 5 O Pen! Should the people of the world resolve, one and all, to extol the days that We passed in the garden of Najb Psh, which hath been designated as the Garden of Rivn, they would find themselves utterly incapable thereof and would confess to their powerlessness. This is the Day whereon every atom proclaimeth: By the Possessor of all names and attributes! Ordain for him, and for Thy servants who have been hindered from meeting Thee, the recompense decreed for such as have attained Thy presence and convened a gathering to exalt Thy name and Thy remembrance. He who awaiteth another when once He hath appeared is indeed in grievous error. Attire us then with the robe of forgiveness, O my God, in this Day whereon Thou hast assumed the throne of Thy grace and bounty invested with the full glory of Thy names and attributes; the Day whereon the sun of Thy beauty hath dawned above the horizon of Thy grandeur, and the signs of Thy glorious sovereignty have been vouchsafed from the treasury of Thy grace; the Day whereon the sweet savours of reunion have wafted over all who are in Thy heaven and on Thine earth, and the hidden Word hath shone forth from the repository of Thy protection and power. O Al! 26 Why do ye gainsay Me, O people of the Book? How astounding is this, how astounding indeed! What is it that hath so sorely bewildered thee? 8 On this Day the poor have been enriched through the wonders of Thine incomparable wealth, the abased have been exalted through the manifold revelations of Thy majesty and glory, the sinful have partaken of the wine of Thy forgiveness, the sick have quaffed from the waters of Thy gracious healing, the disconsolate have taken refuge beneath the shade of the tree of Thy hope and bestowal, and the destitute have attained the shores of the sea of Thy grace and favour. In the sun I discern naught but the marvellous splendour of the light of Thy hallowed countenance and presence, and in the wind I sense naught save the stirring breezes of Thy nearness and reunion. Blessed, then, be God, Who hath created this noble angel! Some among His chosen ones had the honour of witnessing those days and beholding that which was manifested therein. I heard a most sweet call from the right hand of the throne of my Lord, the Most Exalted, and I saw Paradise itself set in motion and all its inhabitants stirred up in their longing to attain the presence of God, the All-Glorious. He Who is the sovereign Ruler of all hath been made manifest. By year a full year is intended, and no exegesis or interpretation is permitted in this matter. Thus may Thy friends be released from the clutches of Thy foes, and Thy loved ones delivered from the hands of the wayward among Thy servants, that they may extol Thee, O Lord, with ringing voices in the supernal realms of Thy names and worship Thee with their entire beings in the kingdom of Thine attributes. 6 A lightning glance She cast, as piercing as a shooting starhow wondrous Her glance, how wondrous indeed!. 3 Hear Me, ye mortal birds! 18 Behold me, then, O my God, how I have fled from myself unto Thee, and have abandoned my own being that I may attain unto the splendours of the light of Thy Being, and have forsaken all that keepeth me back from Thee, and maketh me forgetful of Thee, in order that I may inhale the fragrances of Thy presence and Thy remembrance. Give ear to the testimony of God that proceedeth from the mouth of your Lord, the All-Glorious. 1.1K views 1 year ago Episode 78 of Let's Play Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is here! At every moment He proclaimeth: O concourse of creation, look and ye shall behold Me! By God, this is the Word that hath proceeded from the mouth of the Will of your Lord, the All-Merciful. By Him Who is the Eternal Truth! Thou hast attained aforetime, and wilt continue hereafter to attain, unto My mention and My favour, and unto the Ocean and its waves, and the Light and its effulgence, and the Lote-Tree and its fruits, and the Sun and its rays. This is the Light through which God hath created worlds that have neither beginning nor end, worlds whereof none hath the slightest intimation save those whom their Lord hath willed. Send down, then, upon us from the heaven of Thy Will that which will sanctify us from the world and from all that pertaineth thereunto, and attire us with the raiment Thou hast purposed for us through Thy grace and favours. It is the Festival of Rivn, He is the Ever-Abiding, the Most Exalted, the Most Great, Give ear, O My servant, unto that which is being sent down, Excerpt from the Sriy-i-Nu (Srih of Counsel), Excerpt from the Sriy-i-Mulk (Srih of the Kings), Excerpt from the Law-i-Salmn I (Tablet to Salmn I), Excerpt from the Sriy-i-Azn (Srih of Sorrows), In the name of the One born on this day, He is the Eternal, the One, the Single, He is the Most Holy, the Most Exalted, the Most Great, He is God. Verily, I revealed Myself only for the sake of His Cause, and I came amongst you solely to herald the Kingdom of God, your Lord and the Lord of the worlds. 3 I swear by Thy glory, O my Best-Beloved! Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. Give ear unto the wondrous account of that which God hath graciously bestowed upon thee. 3 Rising up, they soared unto the blest pavilion neath the throne of heavens canopy. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Such was their weeping and wailing that they fell prostrate upon the dust, consumed with sorrow. A reference link can be embedded in copied text by using the Copy With Reference button that appears when text is selected in supported browsers. From everlasting Thou hast been sanctified above the comprehension of Thy creatures, for this comprehension is naught but the product of such idle fancies as pertain to their own selves, while Thou hast remained, in the reality of Thine own Self, exalted above them and all that they possess, and beyond the grasp of all that are in heaven and on earth.
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